Early Days

Tuesday, 22 April 2003

Just Turned One
Jet Setter
Growing Up
Early Days
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Early Days Photo Gallery

Here are some photos of me shortly after I was born. I hope you enjoy looking at them, just click on them to see them bigger.


Here I am, only a few hours old and not yet willing to have a look at the world around me.

This is me with the nice lady (Siobhan) that helped bring me into the world.

Who is that good looking man holding me?

Me and Mummy's Mummy.

Me with Grandma and Grandad Smith.

My Mummy is looking very proud (and who can blame her!).

With Uncle Gordon and my cousins Christopher and Emily (and a very nice looking bunny too!).

Me and Daddy's Mummy.


Me and Mummy's Daddy.

Vrrooommm... past Schumacher on the inside, roar past Coulthard on the straight ....

Here I am with my Auntie Karen, Uncle Nigel and my cousins Christopher, Samantha and Hannah. I'm glad they came to visit me because they live a long way away.

This is me with my Great Auntie Lorna, Great Uncle Derek (Grauntie and Gruncle, as I prefer to call them) and my cousin William.

This is me and William with his Mummy and Daddy, Uncle Adam and Auntie Lesley.