Just Turned One

Tuesday, 22 April 2003

Just Turned One
Jet Setter
Growing Up
Early Days
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Living in a Land Down-Under

Back in Australia just in time for my first Birthday. Would you believe, I wasn't  even one year old and I'd already had 8 long haul flights! Lots of people don't do that much flying in a life-time! Mummy and Daddy do get about.

Shortly after getting back  we moved  into our new house. I'm now in my 6th bedroom and finally a room of my own!

We have very nice neighbours, in fact they even organised a street party for me on my Birthday!

I've made lots of new friends, and I'm enjoying living near the beach and having lots of nice rides in my pram. Now that I'm walking, I particularly enjoy playing in the park and in the playgrounds - my favourite thing to do in the playground is to make little piles with all the bark chippings! Fantastic fun! They even taste good!

I'll be back with more photos soon.

Nice of the Australians to have a holiday for my Birthday. I don't know why they keep calling it 'Australia Day' though.

Heyyyy ....... How you doin'?

Only ten seconds left to defuse the bomb and save the world ... musn't let the red bead touch the blue wire.

Yes Mummy, I am playing nicely.

Lazy Sunday afternoons.

Lord of the Rings - The One Tower.

Well Roo, I never knew that was what you kept in your pouch!

Taking Mummy for a walk in the park in windy Willy.

Mummy ! Mummy ! Look ! Look !!! A dirty rock!

Avast behind! Sorry Mummy .. didn't mean you!

I don't care what you say Mummy, I think Daddy's sunnies fit me much better.

Williamstown Beach Patrol.